If you really want to start a successful blog and generate a reasonably high income in a sustainable way you will need, sooner or later, a premium WordPress theme.

As you probably know, premium WordPress themes are those products that provide you with all features so that you can design your website in a highly professional way and, as a consequence, stand out among your competition.

Fortunately, nowadays there are many companies exclusively designing really high quality products the requirements of clients with web design knowledge.

However, this variety of products makes choosing the right one very difficult and time consuming.

This can lead us to make understandable mistakes such as purchasing the cheapest theme or the «most famous» one in order to start designing our site as soon as possible.

My intention is to make your choice easier so that you will end up:

  1. Saving a considerable amount of time in your search for the right product that will suit your needs.
  2. Obtaining a powerful and cutting-edge WordPress theme.
  3. Making this purchase a real investment rather than an useless expense.

One of the best ways to do this is by learning directly from the experience of other professionals who are currently using one of the best premium WordPress themes ever created: Divi, developed by Elegant Themes.

So just relax and get the most out of this round up post in which up to 7 international freelancers and web design agencies will answer all your questions.

I hope you enjoy it quite a lot! 😉

Fig Tree Studio – Calgary, Canada

We are traveling to Calgary, Canada to interview Fig Tree Design Studio a web design agency founded in 2009 exclusively dedicated to building website based on WordPress.

One of the driving forces of this business falls to Divi which allows them to design projects of all kinds as well as successfully meet their client’s requirements .

Today our questions are answered by Wendy Alessi, CEO of the company:

Why did you decide to use Divi as well as other Elegant Theme’s products to start building your websites? 

I have used Elegant Themes products for a long time, so when Divi was released. I couldn’t wait to try it out!

I immediately fell in love with Divi and what it has to offer and over time, it has just become better and better.

Since it was launched, Divi has been my «go-to» theme when developing websites for new clients.

Since it was launched, Divi has been my go-to theme when developing websites for new clients Share on X

Which feature would highlight the most?

I really love the modular system over-all. It provides me with the flexibility I need when designing for such a wide variety of clients.

As Divi has grown, Elegant Themes has continued to work hard to include more and more functionality.

Using the Divi Theme Customizer and Divi Module Customizer makes developing a dream!

Is there any functionality you think should be improved?

In general, I’m very happy, however the Full Width Slider would be better if it was responsive and the Contact Form would be better if it allowed a wider variety of fields.

Who would you recommend these products to?

I would recommend Divi to other web developers who are looking for something better than many of the pre-made themes available.

Wedy Alessi – figtreedesignstudio.com

Shafaq Omair – Pakistan

In Pakistan lives Shafaq Omair a multitasking woman who currently works as a web designer, blogger and photographer. On top of that she is the founder of three successful websites that provides services to Pakistan based customers:

  • shadishenanigans.com: an e-commerce portal that sells products and services to people who lived abroad but at the same time need access to the local market.
  • modplanners.com: women’s accessories online shop.
  • shafaqomair.com: personal blog where she promotes her branding and provides web design and photography service.

Let´s check out her opinion of Divi:

Why did you decide to use Divi as well as other Elegant Theme’s products to start building your websites? 

I stumbled on Elegant Themes when a client purchased it for their website and I have never looked back since then!
It’s been an amazing experience with Divi especially because this is one builder (Divi Builder) that gives you complete control over your website design which is a very strong tool for creative web designers like me.

Using Divi has been an amazing experience, especially thanks to Divi Builder Share on X

Which feature would highlight the most?

Divi needs no introduction to web designs however I would love to mention how Elegant Themes is constantly working to improve Divi’s features and although I don’t personally use the Visual Builder, I was happy that it was released and is helping beginner’s build websites.

Is there any functionality you think should be improved?

Divi needs a better Contact Form module and maybe some more basic features like adding custom font and header/menu flexibility.

Who would you recommend these products to?

Basically everyone who has the intention of having online presence. Divi should be your go-to builder and the best part is that you don’t need to be an expert to build a website with it.

Shafaq Omair – shafaqomair.com

Rita Morales – Los Angeles, USA

Rita Morales

Let´s go to Los Angeles, USA to meet  Rita Morales CEO of ritamorales.com.

Rita is not only a management and marketing expert, but she also offers her services as a web designer through her site ritamorales.com, basing her outstanding website designs on Divi.

This is her opinion of Divi:

Why did you decide to use Divi as well as other Elegant Theme’s products to start building your websites? 

When I first started building websites over nine years ago, I started with the Thesis Theme. I think it is a good starting point because you really need to learn CSS and HTML but it became apparent that it wasn’t a good fit for my clients.

I had a good friend who was using Divi so I gave it a try. I thought it would be a great theme for my clients who were not proficient in coding so I started by doing client sites in Divi about two years ago.

When I re-branded my site a little over a year ago, I decided to use it for my own website as well as it saves me time on development.

Which feature would highlight the most?

A lot of my clients are very new to online business and aren’t very technically inclined so I like the Drag & Drop aspect of the builder.

It is very easy for them to make changes. They often feel empowered once I have trained them on how to use their website.

They love that they don’t have to continue to hire me to make basic changes for them. 

Is there any functionality you think should be improved?

I don’t love the front-end builder (Visual Builder). It feels bloated compared to some other front-end builders I have used but they are constantly making improvements so I’m looking forward to seeing how that aspect evolves.

I would also love to see some additional blog layout options so customization wouldn’t be necessary.

Who would you recommend these products to?

As I mentioned, I use and recommend Divi to anyone who wants to have control over their WordPress website without worrying about learning how to code.

I also teach my clients how to make landing pages with ease using Divi so they don’t have to invest in a pricey landing page service.

And I recently installed the Extra theme on my personal blog. It really has some nice features for blogging. 

Divi is great to anyone who wants to control their website without worrying about learning code Share on X

Rita Morales – ritamorales.com

Natalie’s Box – Romania

Natalie Box

From USA to Europe, specifically to Romania, where Natalie B, together with her team of WordPress developers, makes nataliesbox.com a really successful web design agency.

Let´s see Natalie’s opinion. Be ready as this woman has quite a personality! 😉

Why did you decide to use Divi as well as other Elegant Theme’s products to start building your websites? 

When I first started out, SEO was my main niche. After few years I decided to expand and offer my old and new clients extra services: web development & web design.

I tried everything. I tried Génesis, Squarespace, Magento and various templates that I would buy from creativemarket.com or themeforest.com that I would consider relevant to my clients at the time.

But when they called or emailed and said: “we need you to do some maintenance and site updates for us”, I would freak out thinking: «how am I suppose to do everything for everyone?»

So one day, someone from Facebook invited me to join a private Facebook group called Elegant Themes – Divi Users. I immediately searched for the official website, paid a 1 year subscription and said to myself: “this is the last piece of software that I am going to be paying for. If this is not going to do what I want it do to for me, I quit.” Pretty dramatic, right? 🙂

After using it on my own website and on my clients, updates and maintenance are done in less than 5 minutes. No stress.

Which feature would highlight the most?

Oh there are so many that I don’t even know which one is the most important. BUT for me, the main thing was when 2 years ago I was so new to coding and Divi was just right there.

It fits me, it fits my clients, it fits my coding needs and I would say, if you don’t know how to code but you desperately need a website, start with this.

There is an amazing community behind Elegant Themes, people who are genuinely interested and dedicated enough to answer your questions. They will help you solve your website problems.

I had one guy who offered to help me out every single day in a design issue I did not understood at the beginning. He was amazing. And he is part of this community. 

If you don’t know how to code but you desperately need a website, start with Divi. Share on X

Is there any functionality you think should be improved?

Improvements to Divi? Hmm… My main wish would be the improvement of the Contact Form. Almost all of my clients request some sort of form filling contact form with drop down options.

I am sure the team behind Elegant Themes is already working on this so can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.

Who would you recommend these products to?

Divi can do…Well, pretty much everything.

So for example, I design websites for other creatives (stock photography websites, photographers, other graphic designers), wedding planners, rental properties, lifestyle bloggers, different online stores, doctors, plastic surgeons, paediatricians, and different clinics all over the world. Basically everyone 🙂


Kipo – Italy


We move now to Italy where I met kipo.us a web design agency made up of three talented young italian guys who «create things that tell you a story».

To know more about Kipo and its relationship with Divi I am speaking with Federico Fornaciari, Project Manager:

Why did you decide to use Divi as well as other Elegant Theme’s products to start building your websites? 

We decided to build websites using Divi because our customers wanted a powerful yet easy way to update their content by themselves.

After a long research we found out that Divi was possibly the best option we had to give our customers the ease of use they were looking for and leaving to us, as a creative studio, the flexibility to build exactly what we wanted in almost no time.

Then we decided that our website should have been based on Divi, as well, to be a sort of showcase laboratory where we could experiment hacks and tricks to offer further customisation possibilities.

Which feature would highlight the most?

Our customers are very impressed by the Visual Builder but I admit I don’t share their enthusiasm for this feature as I still prefer the old good builder.

As a developer my favourite features are the clean and neat UI of the Divi Builder and the ability to save layouts and elements to the Divi Library (the introduction of this feature was a key factor when we decided to use Divi).

The introduction of the Divi Library was a key factor when we decided to use Divi Share on X

Is there any functionality you think should be improved?

I like Divi but I would improve its flexibility even further while keeping the simplicity of the Divi Builder UX (many others themes are way more powerful but they appear somewhat messy).

One thing I don’t really like is the default margins management of the modules, I find that it wastes a lot of space and I generally reduce the margins a little.

Lastly, I’d like a more powerful and customisable Portfolio module with built-in features such as buttons that appear on hover.

Who would you recommend these products to?

I’d recommend Divi theme/builder to everyone that wants to focus on the appearance of their website knowing little of CSS and HTML.

Federico Fornaciari – kipo.us

Infinite Imagination – Queensland, Australia

Infinite Imagination

What if we visited Australia now? 😉

In this amazing country we find infiniteimagination.com.au founded by Olga Summerhayes 3 years ago.

Olga builds outstanding websites for clients based from Australia to remote places such as Mexico.

These are her answers in relation to Divi:

Why did you decide to use Divi as well as other Elegant Theme’s products to start building your websites? 

Before I discovered Elegant Themes and their products I used many different WP themes from various marketplaces.

Each different theme had a steep learning curve to get into the nitty gritty. What I like about Divi is its versatility:  I use it on products sites, online shopping sites, business sites etc., there is no limitations. It has lots of features and functionality that I need without installing extra plugins. It can be moulded into anything I want.

What I like about Divi is its versatility. There is no limitations Share on X

Which feature would highlight the most?

One of my favourite features is the Divi Library. Being able to save the whole page, or section to re-use on other pages/sites makes my work process so much faster.

Is there any functionality you think should be improved?

I am happy with the functionality as it is. It would be nice if it had the ability to have more than 4 columns in the Divi Builder. But even that can be done by adding a few lines of CSS.

Who would you recommend these products to?

I would happy recommend Elegant Themes products to any designer / developer working with WordPress.

They have a great range of tools – themes and plugins that are easy to use and work great and there is great support, not just from Elegant Themes but from the ever growing Divi community as well.

Olga Summerhayes – infiniteimagination.com.au

The Studio – Texas, USA

The Studio Red

Our trip ends in Texas, USA with Aaron Kittredge, founder of thestudio.red, where he offers his services working as web and graphic designer as well as selling his outstanding pictures.

Let´s analyze all his answers:

Why did you decide to use Divi as well as other Elegant Theme’s products to start building your websites? 

I switched from using Thesis Theme by DIY themes and Génesis child themes by Studiopress to Divi when Divi was first released.

I made this big change after seeing the current (at the time) potential and future potential Divi showed with regard to streamlining development, design, and content creation both from a professional web designer’s perspective and from the consumer’s perspective.

Divi offered a win/win for me and my clients. And it’s definitely lived up to my expectations for the most part.

Divi offered a win/win for me and my clients Share on X

Which feature would highlight the most?

The front end builder (Visual Builder), the Divi Library, layout import/export, Global Modules, impressive 3rd party marketplaces popping up and growing fast.

Is there any functionality you think should be improved?

The front end builder is a little finicky at times and in some browsers duplicating, copying, and pasting module settings and layouts can malfunction.

The options and variety offered with regard to the header layout and customization is really lacking. It would be very helpful to be able to use the builder in the site-wide header.

Who would you recommend these products to?

I recommend Divi to all my clients and friends, and I use it myself for all my current site builds.

Aaron Kittredge – thestudio.red

A little present for you 😉

Unfortunately it comes to an end but I don´t really want you go empty handed. So, to prevent this from happening I have brought you something you will be really interested in.

If you are pretty sure Divi is the WordPress theme you have been looking, then I have an exclusive 10% discount, applicable to all Elegant Themes plans.

With any of those plans you will immediately get:

  1. Access to all themes.
  2. Access to all plugins: Divi Builder, Monarch and Bloom.
  3. Theme Updates.
  4. Premium support.
  5. Unlimited website usage
  6. Risk-free Guarantee (30 day money back).

As you can see this is a real bargain you will not want to miss!

If you just really want to make sure that Divi is the right choice, then have a look at the Divi Documentation and give this great demo a try.

10% exclusive discount - Elegant Themes
¡Take advantage of this discount and enjoy one of the best WordPress themes ever! I want to access it now!

PS: Just to let you know I recently joined the Elegant Theme’s affiliate programSo I will get a commission of every single purchase that has been made from this post. It helps me quite a lot to make a living in this business that I love so much. Thanks for your understanding! 🙂

And that is all for now. What is your opinion about the post? Did you find it useful? I will be waiting for your comments! 👍